Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Thank You, Ancestors

I am sharing a post from Daily Small Step (via Gary Heine) - Yes, we are here now because they were there then!

On facebook - Gary Heine shared a link via Daily Small Step.

Daily Small Step 8/12/14

...Thank you, ancestors....

I'm getting ready to catch a plane with my oldest son, Sam, from Portland back to Louisville. It's amazing that in just a few hours, a giant, metal bird-like vehicle will fly us through the air back halfway across the country.

This reminds me how amazing life is and how often we forget that. I do.

Today, think of something you are grateful for but that you have recently been taking for granted. Thank your ancestors for it.

You might say, 'Thank you, ancestors, for _____, which I forgot about for a bit.'

Remember - as your gratitude flows out into the world, it makes you healthier, happier and able to connect more deeply with yourself and others.

And your gratitude expressing itself makes it easier for others to remember to be grateful for important things sometimes forgotten.
Daily Small Step 8/12/14

I am often amazed at my good fortune to have been born in this day and age, with all its...! Sure you also get the pitfalls and nuisances, the risks and snares, but this is a Great Day to be alive! I hope my ancestors said that of their days, that they could sense progress and growth form one generation to the next. Now is the Great Day of Paying it back and Paying it forward :-D Gratitude. It implies Action.

Continuity - we transmit our values through generations

I am trusting that when we are in the spirit world we will be able to see things as they really are: that this life will make more sense. I believe that the Lord can help us to know what we need to know in this life, too. One of the ways that I make some sense out of what we go through in this life is through researching my family's history. Maybe it is Sympathy for what our ancestors have gone through.... Being able to see from here where certain life-decisions led them, that helps me to think twice (or more!) about decisions I have opportunity to make. Then, how are we teaching, setting examples, for our descendants to help them? Journaling, writing my life's story, maybe I am working on what I wish my ancestors might have left for me! "What were they thinking?! Or Not...." What a genius idea - to get Youth involved in family history, AND to talk with them about our family <3 past, present, and future.... What is important? What is of lasting value, of eternal significance? We are choosing our priorities with how we spend our time, here, now....